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"The goal of our initiative is to bring Jewish youth and

families of all backgrounds together to experience the beauty of Torah Learning and observance in a warm, friendly, caring, supportive and nurturing environment."


                      Jeffrey C. Kelman

                      Program Director & Educational Director

Jewish Afterschool Program

Creative and interactive techniques are used to ensure that each session is a fun and enjoyable learning experience.


Educational Games

Torah Stories and Play  

Arts and Crafts

Music & Dance


Holidays, Customs & Ceremonies

Hebrew Reading & Vocabulary

Jewish History

Jewish Values


Parents are welcome to attend all or part of these weekly sessions to encourage a “bringing into the home of our Jewish Traditions”

4:00pm to 6:30pm Weekly

Shabbos Family Programs

A Family Shabbos Program and Beginners Service geared towards educating and familiarizing youngsters, parents and adults with traditional Shabbos service and prayers.

  • Detailed explanations regarding the meaning and history of the prayers

  • Stories & discussions on Torah Weekly portion

  • Introduction to Jewish holidays


A traditional Shabbos Luncheon held one Saturday each month following the service includes:

  • Kiddush (blessing over the wine)

  • Motzi  (Blessing over the Challah)

  • Zemiros/Song

  • Divrei Torah - youngsters and parents will be encouraged to prepare & share ideas on the weekly Torah portion

  • Birkas Hamazon (grace after meals)

  • Shabbos games, Torah Plays and other Shabbos activities

  • Mincha/Ma’ariv/Havdallah services available during the late Autumn and Winter Months


Monthly Friday evening family Shabbos dinners are held following services.  All family members are encouraged to attend and participate.

Sunday Holiday & Mitzvah Program

Families can participate in various  Sunday

activities, programs and events designed to

inspire a connection to upcoming Jewish Holidays

Activities Include:

Tzedakah projects

Making Havdallah Candles

Designing Your own Gragger

Making Dreidels and Chanukah Menorahs

Creating & Sending Holiday Cards to an

Orphanage in Israel

Eating Delicious Tu B’Shvat Fruits

Jewish Scavenger Hunts

And Much More...

© 2017 by Northeast Jewish Center.

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Davening Times
Friday Evening
Fall, Winter, Spring, Candlelighting Time
Summer 7:30pm
Shabbat Morning 9:30am, Followed by Kiddush
Weekday Services
Sunday 9am
Monday, Thursday and Rosh Chodesh 6:30am
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